Monday, November 19, 2007

Inquiring Minds Need to Know

HERE ARE some conundrums (conundrae?) that have been plaguing me. I spend more time than I would like to admit thinking of the answers to these, and I have none.
  • On my walk to work each morning, I pass a bus shelter with an eight foot tall billboard-like advertisement bearing a picture of a humpback whale tail receding into the ocean. Plastered across the poster are the words: "STOP WHALING." I'm sorry - who is still whaling?
  • Who uses the "other" setting of the stapler, and what for?
  • This one is a biggie: What does a radio announcer do if he or she has to sneeze in the middle of a broadcast?
  • And finally (or at least for now), where do all the pigeons go at night????
My sincerest apologies if you, like me, cannot provide any insight into these mysteries of our world, for they will torment you hereto forth. Ponder on, my friends. Ponder on.

1 comment:

B. Wizzle said...

The answer to #1 is Japan. That's all I got.